5 Steps To Success (Good Success)

Hello friends, Nice to have you. Todays topic is about success, And I am not just talking about success, I am talking about good success. I know you want to read about it, Make sure you read it to the end and share, Thanks and God bless you! Everybody wants to be successful, but not many people know they have to learn and follow the right steps of success to become successful. Not all successes are good, So beware! I want to talk to you about how to get good success that will be permanent and will never cause you pain or regret. I am here to break it down for you into 5 steps. Here are the 5 Steps to success (Good success)  👇 1. Stick to the Word of    God: Joshua 1 vs 8 says; This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 2. Be prayerful:    Yes be prayerful, Because even i

Importance of Guest Blogger & Guest Blogging On Blog

 Hello lovelies, I am here again with a very important article about guest blogging. Today I'll be talking about the importance of guest blogging and all you need to know about it. 

What is guest blogging? It's simply means featuring on your host blog or being featured as a guest in another blog. It gives you the chance and opportunity to be introduced by a totally new audience. It also gives the host a sort of importance to host someone to bring a new flavour to the blog.

3 types of guest blogging:

1. Free Guesting Blogging: when one blogger feature another blogger freely or when both agree on featuring each other freely. You can feature the blogger in your blog without being featured on the blogger's blog Or you may request that the blogger should also feature you in his/her blog in exchange of readers.

2. Paid Guest Blogging: You can pay to be featured as a guest blogger in a blog. 

3. You can hire a guest blogger to write a post for you to post on your blog. So, you see it depends on your choice and the agreement between the host blogger and the guest blogger. 

Importance of guest blogging: 

1. It gives the guest blogger more readers and popularity.

2. It portrays the host blogger as a professional blogger wearing a coat of many colours by putting up the guest post and guest blogger to bring in something new to inspire the readers.

3. It create room for cooperation in the dog-eat-dog world and working together brings more blessings.

4. It gives the readers more knowledge, because the guest blogger's post will certainly be different from the host post.

5. It shows off the host blogger as a generous person. Readers love to associate themselves with kindhearted and generous person who they can emulate and call their role model.

Note: The fear of not indulging in guest blogging and host blogging another blogger in your blog should be cast out. Give back to the society that has given to you by helping another blogger shine through you. There is love in sharing and there is reward in giving. Help another blogger build up his/her dream. If you believe your posts are great and your readers are your fans why are you afraid you will lose everything if you feature another blogger on your blog? Cast out that satanic self-centered selfishness from you. Be a dream builder and not a dream killer.

Special Thanks: I appreciate all those who cull and share my post with credit given to me and with link direction leading new readers to my blog!!! Thanks a lot. If you ever need me to feature you on my blog please do not hesitate to ask me for it, I am open to featuring on well-meaning blogs too. Thank you very much and God bless you all.

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