5 Steps To Success (Good Success)

Hello friends, Nice to have you. Todays topic is about success, And I am not just talking about success, I am talking about good success. I know you want to read about it, Make sure you read it to the end and share, Thanks and God bless you! Everybody wants to be successful, but not many people know they have to learn and follow the right steps of success to become successful. Not all successes are good, So beware! I want to talk to you about how to get good success that will be permanent and will never cause you pain or regret. I am here to break it down for you into 5 steps. Here are the 5 Steps to success (Good success)  👇 1. Stick to the Word of    God: Joshua 1 vs 8 says; This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 2. Be prayerful:    Yes be prayerful, Because even i

The Good Sides Of Gen Z

There are two sides to a coin, but some people only want one to see one side of it, and any one sided judgemental is not a complete judgement. I am here to unvei to you the good sides ot Gen Z.

Every one talk about Gen Z (Mostly in a bad way) As never do well, crazy, and lazy generation with no pedigree. No! That's not true, Let me shock you. To the best of my knowledge Gen Z is one of the best generations that ever lived, I am not capping, it's the truth.

First, Who are those that are referred to as Gen Z. Generation Z in full; Are people born in the new millennium from 2000. Sometimes, Dated back from the late 90s, from 1997 to 2012 and even above.

Gen Z, is one of the most envied generations because they have everything set up and everything made easy, The past generations has to work so hard for it or never had it. But hey! Life has moved and life keeps moving forward! Generations yet unborn will even have more easier access and simpler life than Gen Z.

Hey Gen-future, I was here, Incase you're reading this in farthest future, I wrote this, Nice to have you here! I'm Angel Eze, I write all the contents in my blog, Enjoy reading. This post is dated 23/5/2024. Be good and be in the LORD. I love you, but GOD loves you more. GOD bless you in JESUS Name.

Now back to the post, Gen Z may not be the absolute best generation that ever lived, but it's certainly among the best and I will tell you why, Make sure you read it to the end and share, Thanks! So without further ado let's dive right in.

Here are the Good Sides Of Gen Z:

1. Gen Z is more knowledgeable. Knowledge is power. In Gen Z's Generation knowledge is easily accessible and obtainable most especially online and also offline.

2. Gen Z is more creative. Creativity is one the tools that Gen Z has used to change its world. It's hard to see a Gen Z that is not a content creator in any of the numerous platforms made available now that weren't there in the past, Thus motivating and stimulating them to create content, and also make money online. Creativity certainly increased in Gen Z's Generation.

3. Gen Z has self awareness and self confidence more than past generations, which makes Gen Z seem like a no-nomesense rude set.

4. Gen Z is more computerized and computer literates than the past generations, and it can only get better with future generations, And the world may become even more computerized and more robotic in the future.

5..Gen Z has easy access to things past generations were deprived of and uses it to make life easier and are hated for it. But hey! They didn't choose to be born in the Z generation of easy access, fast food, and soft life... Lol, They found themselves here! And they are loving it, but unfortunately some of them misuse the opportunity.

6. Gen Z has access to advanced technologies, electronics, and gadgets that never existed in the past generations. There are now modern laptops, iphones,  ipads, flat screens, coloured cameras, luxury cars, modern buildings, and so much more, What a soft life huh ? Lol, but of course unfortunately not everyone has the access to these things, but it's there and if you work hard and with grace you can get it.

7. Gen Z are not lazy youths, Or immoral youths, Or disrespectful youths, Gen Z are just more exposed and know who they are (self awareness) Bold (Self confidence) And no-nonesense individuals (Self-Worth). 

8. Gen Z is a every popular generation with the last Alphabet Z. Generation Z is one of the best generations, But are labeled the worst, In reality they are one of the best and most effective generations that ever lived. They are called Gen Z for a reason, Lol. Generations yet unborn may have no name or may just have to live under Gen Z, because after Z there is nothing, Lol. Gen Z has taken the last alphabet, Lol. I am curious to know what the generations yet unborn will be called. Greetings to Gen-Future! I wish you all the best, May you achieve even more than Gen Z and have a better life than Gen Z in JESUS Name, If JESo tarry and has not come, But be always be prepared for the second coming of the LORD. GOD bless you in JESUS Name. Yeah! We have to speak the word of faith and prophesy into the generations yet unborn. Every good person wishes the best for the next. Like JESUS said in the BIBLE, Greater things shall you do.May thr HOLY SPIRIT guide you in JESUS Name.

9. Gen Z is intellectually more empowered, motivationally more strong, fortunately more exposed, and emotionally more intelligent, And that made Gen Z to be stigmatized with all the bad names as a set of people who prove to be wiser than the past and previous generations. Gen Z is not an enemy, They are just wiser and smarter, Lol. I advise they acknowledge the past and previous generations with respect, but can't continue with their previous ways of doing things that is outdated, And don't feel bad. There are things still in use, and there are things that are outdated and need to change. The world is advancing, improving, growing, and moving forward with time. 

10. Gen Z is not your regular generation, Gen Z is a special breed born blessed to enjoy a modern world, What is their crime? Is it a crime to be born into an advanced world ? The generation Z is an unusual generation, And the generations yet unborn will hear of Gen Z, read about Gen Z here on my blog post, and be wowed. 

Addendum: Gen Z believe in minimizing time to get a maximum result, Thus using acceleration of time to get quick results and bigger value for minimum time, but unfortunately some misuse this formula to get things done in the wrong way and go through the wrong door, And that's not advisable. Gen Z is not generally a bad generation, But there are some few bad eggs, But trust me, What Gen Z do now at their young age, The past and previous generations couldn't. The world advancement has made everything easier and simpler for Gen Z. The previous generations had to work harder for things, And that doesn't make Gen Z lazy youths but luckily youths. Gen Z is a lucky generation which also means favoured and blessed. With all due respect for the past and previous generations, There we be no Gen Z without you, Gen Z is here because you were before Gen Z, I thank God for creating us all, and for the generations yet unborn, I thank God for everyone of us. We will all come and go, But GOD remain forever, So in everything and above everyone, Put God first. As you already noticed I am a child of God and Heaven is my goal. Thanks for reading up to the end, Please share it, Thanks! Shalom 🙏💕

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