5 Steps To Success (Good Success)

Hello friends, Nice to have you. Todays topic is about success, And I am not just talking about success, I am talking about good success. I know you want to read about it, Make sure you read it to the end and share, Thanks and God bless you! Everybody wants to be successful, but not many people know they have to learn and follow the right steps of success to become successful. Not all successes are good, So beware! I want to talk to you about how to get good success that will be permanent and will never cause you pain or regret. I am here to break it down for you into 5 steps. Here are the 5 Steps to success (Good success)  👇 1. Stick to the Word of    God: Joshua 1 vs 8 says; This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 2. Be prayerful:    Yes be prayerful, Because even i

Why no one is reading your blog & Tips for Google Index & Search Engines

Hey guys! Welcome to another interesting read of my article, Grab some popcorn, sit down and read.

You may be wondering why no one is reading your blog, Yuu think you have a beautiful blog and great content, Yet no one is reading it and that can be frustrating. I am here to wrap the reasons and give you some tips.

Here’s why you have no readers:

1. You blog is not indexed, A blog that is not indexed will not slow on Google and other search engines, So how will people find your blog ?

2. You tampered with the default settings of your blog, And blocked crawlers and robots from crawling your blog for possible indexing that will put your content out there on Google and other search engines.

3. Your blog titles posts are not captivating, It doesn’t intrigue people to click and read.

4. You don’t share your post, You just fold your hands and wait for readers to come and find you to read your content.

5. You blog is not appealing to the eyes, It has horrible colour combinations and looks tacky.

6. Most of your blog posts are short, Too short for Google to promote on its search engine.

7. Your blog is unsearchable and unreadable due to either redirect error, not indexed, or other issues you left unsolved.

8. You didn’t fix your URL, your page does not have https canonical URL which is better than http, And if it have http it should redirect to https which is same, but yours is http to http. 

9. Your content is either saturated and unneeded so Google doesn’t index it or it is simply not a great content.

10. You don’t post regularly. Consistency is the key. Google promotes pages that post often more, they push your content to search engine and let you get find. If you didn’t post regularly your blog will be pushed behind Google crawlers and won’t be taken seriously for indexing.

Tips to help:

1. Fix all the page issues like URL and redirect errors, e.t.c. Place sitemaps appropriately on Google Console and choose a canonical URL on HTML at the <head> section place your canonical URL. Choosing a canonical URL is essential if you want Google to choose the URL you don’t want.

2. Sign up to Google Console and submit your blog and content and sitemaps for indexing.

3. Post long blog posts and captivating titles.

3. Share your posts to your social media accounts and any platform you can.

4. Post original content and don’t copy without making changes and giving credit. Beware of over populated content, because it’s too many Google hardly index such content.

5. Post everyday or 5 times a week to stimulate the Googlebot to pick up your page for indexing and showcasing on Google search engine. 

Addendum: Aside Google, there are other search engines you can submit your site to e.g Bing, E.t.c. Check and update your Robot.txt file, Or leave it on default and don't alter it, Depending on what you want for your blog. If you have both https and http, Make sure you choose your preference. In all you do make sure you force Google to display your blog over https on search results with the HTML head tag add your canonical url which should be https like this 👇

<link rel="canonical" href="https:///example.com.blogspot.com/" />

Add your https blog url remove “example”

Theme 👉 HTML 👉 <head> add your canonical URL then save.

301 Redirect: Add a 301 Redirect to make sure Google gets a strong signal that you permanently want to move from http to https add a 301 redirect (Go to settings then Erros and Redirects underneath click Custom Redirects then add the new and old urls from old to new or from http to https).

Lastly, In order for Google to process and update the new changes fastly, Make sure you upload or update your sitemap on Google Search Console and Request for a Recrawl on Google Search Console too. At the end of it all you will have your https blog up and running perfectly.

Hope you’re are inspired by my article? It took me days to write, I started writing it when I had the problem and ended writing it when the problem is solved. It is well detailed and explanatory, Please share it, Thanks! God bless you 🙏💕

Testimony: This post was inspired by God. Glory be to God Almighty!!! Special thanks to God for allowing me go through the difficulty and for giving me the directions to follow and the wisdom to solve it, Not only for me but for you too that is reading it and will benefit from the wisdom and solution to solve the problem. I thank God Almighty!!! Thank You Lord Jesus!!!

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