5 Steps To Success (Good Success)

Hello friends, Nice to have you. Todays topic is about success, And I am not just talking about success, I am talking about good success. I know you want to read about it, Make sure you read it to the end and share, Thanks and God bless you! Everybody wants to be successful, but not many people know they have to learn and follow the right steps of success to become successful. Not all successes are good, So beware! I want to talk to you about how to get good success that will be permanent and will never cause you pain or regret. I am here to break it down for you into 5 steps. Here are the 5 Steps to success (Good success)  👇 1. Stick to the Word of    God: Joshua 1 vs 8 says; This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 2. Be prayerful:    Yes be prayerful, Because even i

How to disconnect from your ex

 Hi everyone, Todat I want to share with you how to disconnect from your ex, I may or may have not this with you before, But today I am here with some added wisdom, Sit back and read to the end, Share it please… Thanks!

If you want to disconnect from your ex in your head, mind, heart, and body and even soul, then this post is for you.

Here’s how to disconnect from your ex:

1. Throw away or give away anything that takes you back memory lane e,g pictures of you both, videos, pet, matchy outfits, e.t.c. Don’t keep anything; Throw some away and give some away!

2. Stop monitoring them both offline and online, Stop asking close friends and relatives about them and their life update, Stop following them on social media, Be intentional about this, Stop spying them or their status online and their post (MOVE ON). Block them if you are really done.

3. Deny them access to you, Don’t be accessible; Start with being inaccessible on calls, on social media, to dates, and meetings to talk because they may talk you back into the mess

4. Give yourself time to heal, Be easy with yourself, It’s not easy disconnecting from someone you once cared so much about, But say to yourself I can do this and use your will power to get it done, Stand on your decision and never go back.

5. Create a room for a new love in your heart. The quickest way to heal a broken heart is to make it fall in love again!

6. Don’t feel guilty to cut off when it’s no more working or hurting you, Don’t let self judgement and guilt tie you down.

7. The most difficult to disconnect is the soul-tie, When your souls are tied together; It may be because of premarital sex or evil manipulation, You need the mighty hands of God to disconnect you. A soul can be tied together by the Lord and this type no one can separate what God has joined together, But when it is an Ungodly soul-tie you can break free through the help of God; for an ungodly soul tie is caused either by premarital sex or evil manipulation.

Addendum: Make sure you break free from ungodly soul-ties before dealing with physical soul ties, for the ungodly soul ties is spiritual and deadly and can affect your physical life negatively and weaken your spiritual life.

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