
5 Steps To Success (Good Success)

Hello friends, Nice to have you. Todays topic is about success, And I am not just talking about success, I am talking about good success. I know you want to read about it, Make sure you read it to the end and share, Thanks and God bless you! Everybody wants to be successful, but not many people know they have to learn and follow the right steps of success to become successful. Not all successes are good, So beware! I want to talk to you about how to get good success that will be permanent and will never cause you pain or regret. I am here to break it down for you into 5 steps. Here are the 5 Steps to success (Good success)  👇 1. Stick to the Word of    God: Joshua 1 vs 8 says; This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 2. Be prayerful:    Yes be prayerful, Because even i

How to PRAY according to the will of GOD (The LORD’S Prayer)

Beloved, If we must see results we must learn to do the right thing in alignment with the Word of God. If we desire answers to our prayers we must pray in accordance to the Word of God. If we need the best we must accept GOD’S Will for us. Continue reading below 👇  So many Christains know about The Lord’s Prayer, But many pray it. We should learn how to pray Our Lord’s Prayer and incorporate it into our prayer life.  Remember how Jesus thought us to pray 🙏 Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. The Lord’s Prayer 🙏  Mathew 6 vs 9 - 13 👇 (Jesus said) This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Remember to always pray to God in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is the name above all names by which we

Trust in God and His will for you

Hello family! Today, I want to encourage you in the Lord, To trust in God and His will for you. God knows best and God knows what’s best for you.  The will ot God may not be your will or desire, But trust Him anyway, It might look unfamiliar or sound odd, But trust Him anyway. You may even be talking like the Israelites who He  gave Heavely food to (and they called it Manna; What is it) Just like them you may be looking at God’s will and saying What is this ? Just trust God. Most times many people pray and don’t get answers because they pray amiss like the Bible says if we pray amiss we won’t get answers to our Prayers, Which therefore means only when we pray according to the will of God we will get answers to our prayers. God who sacrificed His Son for us, Can give us all things that is His will for us, So trust him that he has your best interest at heart. His Word says in   Jeremiah 29:11:  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm

Business & Career Strategy: 5 Awesome Ways To Uplift Your Business And Career!!!

  Today, I have some Business & Career Strategies for you to explore. Make sure you read to the end and share, Thanks! Business and career needs rebranding and re-strategizing from time to time. Don't just grow your business/career, Grow with it. Just as the human body outgrows certain clothes; Likewise business/career outgrows certain things and needs changes from time to time to stay relevant, improve, and on top. I've come up with 5 tips that can help! 1. Seriousness: Your customers/clients need to be sure that you are serious about your business so they can associate with you and recommend you. 2. Consistency: You need to continue in what you are doing, don't slack, and don't fall off! Let them have the assurance that you are consistent not only in words but also in deeds. 3. Change & Improvement: Always look for ways to improve!!! Take a new leap! Take a new step. Improvement may involve a slight or radical change so think wisely before taking this step so

Talk to Angel: My Ex is Bad, But I still want him

Hello Angel, I dated this guy on and off, for about 7years now. I love him so much, Though he has hurted me countless times and we've broken up countless times as well, But I still love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. These are the list of things he has done to me; Cheating, Lying, Disrespectful, Emotionally draining, and he keeps messing with my mental health, I am psychologically destroyed because of his verbal abuse and narcissistic behaviours. I know he's bad, But I still want him back. What should I do ? My Reply: Firstly, I see 3 red flags, 1. The long term relationship is a no no, It's time wasting. 2. The off and on, is a negative sign. 3. He's made up with all the characteristics for you to EX him forever and run for your life.  If he's indeed as stated, Then he is a bad person; And that can never be the will of God you. Why exactly are you in love with such person ? Yes love everyone but don't be in love with such person. There

Benefits Of Having A Well Defined Brand

  Hey guys! How are you today? Hope you’re doing good. Today, I have a very important topic as usual, This is a very sought after topic, because a lot of people want to know why they actually need a brand. Those who don’t know why a brand is needed miss out of the opportunity of enjoying a well structured brand and its benefits. To benefit from my article make sure you read it to the end and share, Thanks! First what is a brand? It can be defined as an identity or an image in which someone or something is known for.  Why do you need a brand ? To have a name, an image, and an identity. It’s very important to have a brand because without it you or your service or product will be nameless, Just imagine moving around the world without a name! Weird right ? Yeah same thing with navigating your line of business or career or expertise witthout a well defined brand. You need a brand. Benefits of having a well defined brand: It’s fruitless to be all over the place, disorganised without a well d

Importance of having a specific niche

  Hello lovelies! How y’all doing? Hope you’re doing great. Today, I want to talk about the importance of having a specific niche. Make sure you read it to the end and share, Thanks! First, What is a niche ? It can simply be defined as a choosen field or line of career, business, and expertise. Before we look into the importance of having a specific niche; Why do you need a niche ? You need a niche to thrive and define your path to follow. Here are the importance of choosing a specific niche: 1. To help your followers, clients, and customers locate you easily  2. To focus on your line and expand your skill in it 3. To grow! Yes having a specific niche help you grow faster than being all over the place like a jack of all trade and a master of none. 4. To help you create a defined brand that you will be known for and identified with  5. To give you a well organised and coordinated professional work and professional image. Hope you are inspired by my article, Please kindly share it, Thank

Ways to find a life partner (How to find the right one)

  Hello guys! It’s been a while. I’ve been extremely busy but hey I am here now! A whole of people need a life partner, but not many knows how to find one, If you are tired of meeting the wrong people and you want to know how to find the right one, Make sure you read this my article to the end. Here are ways to find a life partner 👇 1. Socialising: If you want to meet new people you have to go out and socialise with people. Don’t stay indoors waiting for a Prince Charming to come knock at your door, You may wait forever. 2. Be selective of the places to meet the right one: You may hardly find the right one in the wrong places, So choose where you go to wisely. A club outing may present to you an unbeliever, While a Church gathering can help you find a believer. You can find the right one anywhere but some places have better chances of a better life partner. 3. Be approachable: Some of you are so unapproachable that a life partner may see you and pass by because of fear to approach you

Importance of Guest Blogger & Guest Blogging On Blog

  Hello lovelies, I am here again with a very important article about guest blogging. Today I'll be talking about the importance of guest blogging and all you need to know about it.  What is guest blogging? It's simply means featuring on your host blog or being featured as a guest in another blog. It gives you the chance and opportunity to be introduced by a totally new audience. It also gives the host a sort of importance to host someone to bring a new flavour to the blog. 3 types of guest blogging: 1. Free Guesting Blogging: when one blogger feature another blogger freely or when both agree on featuring each other freely. You can feature the blogger in your blog without being featured on the blogger's blog Or you may request that the blogger should also feature you in his/her blog in exchange of readers. 2. Paid Guest Blogging: You can pay to be featured as a guest blogger in a blog.  3. You can hire a guest blogger to write a post for you to post on your blog. So, you s

Foodie Talk: How to prepare fried rice

  Hey guys! Today I am giving you the recipe for fried rice. Origin: Intercontinental/mix dish. Ingredients: Needed cups of parboiled basmati, or jasmine, or any long white rice (Rice should be long and non-sticky) Full or half chicken or turkey stock Needed Vegetable oil 2 diced onion and needed pepper  1 bag of diced mixed vegetables 5 diced hotdogs or chopped liver  1 sachet of thyme 1 sachet of curry powder 2 Maggi cubes Salt (to taste) Choice spices to customise taste Preparation: Rinse your rice with cold water and pour it into a  cooking pot with water.  Boil your rice for  10miniutes and rinse out the starch  Cook with small water for another 10minutes and put aside Prepare your stock and fry your meat and veggies. Heat up your vegetable oil for 2minutes to fry your onions, pepper, and veggies  Add more needed spices to the mix and stir properly. Add the rice and fry everything together, then add your stock and cover to cook till done for 5minutes.  Food is ready! Enjoy your me

Word for Today: Look Again!!!

God is saying to someone here today, Look again! Don’t give  up yet… The sun is about to rise! The rain is about to fall, The harvest is ripe and ready! Look again! There is a difference and change is close! Look again… The Lord is working and things are changing! Look again… Your efforts are not in vain. Look again!!! Here comes your miracle, breakthrough, and blessings!!! Look again… Your time has come… Look again!!!  Continue reading below 👇  Bible References: 1 Kings 18 vs 43: And he said to his servant, Go up now, look toward the sea. And he went up, and looked, and said,  There is  nothing. And he said, Go again seven times. Luke 12 vs 54 - 56: Jesus said to the crowd: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does. And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is.   Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present t

How to disconnect from your ex

  Hi everyone, Todat I want to share with you how to disconnect from your ex, I may or may have not this with you before, But today I am here with some added wisdom, Sit back and read to the end, Share it please… Thanks! If you want to disconnect from your ex in your head, mind, heart, and body and even soul, then this post is for you. Here’s how to disconnect from your ex: 1. Throw away or give away anything that takes you back memory lane e,g pictures of you both, videos, pet, matchy outfits, e.t.c. Don’t keep anything; Throw some away and give some away! 2. Stop monitoring them both offline and online, Stop asking close friends and relatives about them and their life update, Stop following them on social media, Be intentional about this, Stop spying them or their status online and their post (MOVE ON). Block them if you are really done. 3. Deny them access to you, Don’t be accessible; Start with being inaccessible on calls, on social media, to dates, and meetings to talk because the

5 Reasons why you have the Ex Syndrome

  Hello lovelies, I’m here again with an important topic. My article today is about what I call the ‘Ex Syndrome’ It is a condition whereby you are disconnected from your ex but still feel connected and still want to go back even when you know you should move on. A whole lot of people have the ‘Ex Syndrome’ and I’m here to treat it. Make sure you read it to the end and share it, Thanks! Here are 5 Reasons why you have the Ex Syndrome: 1. Emotional Attachment: You are still emotionally attached to your ex, but not the same from the other end. 2. Victimisation: You victimise yourself and think it’s all your fault that you are no more together even when it’s not your fault. 3. Childhood trauma: You may have been left behind since childhood and disconnected from loved ones from early age, So you are afraid of being left alone. Sometimes, You become clingy when there was never strong emotional attachment during your childhood and when there was no love from upbringing.  4. Abnormal Psycholo

Talk To Angel: My husband is insisting we have a joint account and I earn more

  Hi Angel,  My husband and I work separately and I earn more; I earn about 50% more than he do. We’ve always had our individual accounts before marriage, But immediately after marriage, he started insisting we have a joint account and this is causing problem in my home, What should I do ? My Reply:  You should have discussed about finance during dating and courtship. Now, You are both married, You are no more two but one, For the two shall become one says the Word Of God. Be submissive to your husband, But also use wisdom. Open a joint account with him, But also have your own private/personal account.  Don’t let this bring issues in your home, handle it with wisdom like I advised. Why is he insisting? And he earns less hmmm, that raises eyebrows and an alarm, Watch over your money and make sure he didn’t marry you for the money, make sure he doesn’t use the money in the joint account recklessly without my reasonable expectation, Make sure he’s not a user and gold digger. Make sure his

My Experience of LOME TOGO in my few days vacation (My holiday in TOGO in the middle of COTONOU and GHANA)

  Hello guys! Today I am sharing my experience in TOGO, Lome the capital city. I traveled to Togo for a short vacation and I enjoyed every bit of it. Let me gist you. Read to the end, You might be inspired to visit. Togo is located in West Africa, The capital of Togo is Lome. Togo is in the middle of Cotonou and Ghana, If you are coming from Nigeria; the next country is Cotonou, and if you are coming from Cotonou; the next country is Togo, Then after Togo; the next country is Ghana. Aflao Togo shares Border with Aflao Ghana; They are so close! They are neighboring countries. My Journey to Togo, Started in Nigeria and after few hours I arrived in Togo, Lome the capital city. I checked into a hotel, I had my bath, had a delicious Togo meal, then relaxed a while before strolling out to check out the city. I love Togo, My experience in Togo was good! I'm bringing you this information firsthand. Togo is a beautiful, calm, peaceful, and lovely city and it's accommodating too as the T

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